Welcome into the support website of CMS Access App
Hello, this is the home page of the App, you will find this page as soon as you have configured your account in the configuration page.
Please click on the configuration button to open the configuration page.
You have to fill in your login and password details to be recognised by the App and access to your data.
Your login is your email address and the password has been sent to you on the same email.
Then please select the language you want to see in the App.
And SAVE !!
You can access to this page?
Congratulation you succeed to authenticate into the App.
Now you have access to all documents, communciations and tracking information of your file.
To see your documents or send pictures of documents to us please click on this button.
To see notifications or communciations and send us some questions on your file please click on this button.
You will find your documents organised by category.
You can add a new document sending a file from your mobile or taking a picture.
You will find here Notifications you received from the App (2) in this sample.
You will find answers of your questions in the communication section.
You cann add a new communication to ask a new question to your coordinator.